What is the Kaylyn Group?

The Kaylyn Group is a privately held firm that specializes in helping companies analyze and identify candidates for hire.  We are not a job board or a traditional hiring company/recruiter.  Our mission is to help improve the candidate selection process, optimize cost, and shorten the time frame associated with completing the hiring cycle.

Our model was born from the belief that using innovation and technology can drastically improve the hiring process.  As a part of a solid hiring workflow, technology can eliminate the frustration most employers experience with traditional hiring.  We believe that a resume is a complementary tool for hiring.  It should not be used as the sole instrument for identifying the best candidates to interview.  Take a look at our philosophy and client testimonials below.


We are not a recruiter or job board

We are not a recruiter or job board

We want to make a difference by being different

We believe in thinking outside the box

We believe in “creating the box” if one doesn’t exist

We believe in clarity and simplicity

We believe in setting trends

We believe in innovation and collaboration

We believe there is always a better way

We believe that technology can make a difference

We believe our clients answers can be found using technology

We believe in providing our clients with tons of services for little cost…I think!

And finally, we believe that if you think we are like everyone else, stop thinking